West Virginia State Chartered Banks - Banks headquartered in West Virginia and chartered by the West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions.
West Virginia National Banks - Banks headquartered in West Virginia and chartered by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. These banks contain the word "National" in their title or the letters N.A. as an abbreviation for National Association.
Banks - This list includes all banks operating main or branch banking offices in the State of West Virginia. All banks operating in West Virginia are insured by the Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation.
Bank Holding Companies - Bank holding companies operating in West Virginia
Federal Savings Banks and Federal Savings and Loan Associations - This list contains information about all institutions chartered and regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and operating an office in the State of West Virginia.
West Virginia State Credit Unions - Credit unions headquartered in West Virginia and chartered by the West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions.
West Virginia Federal Credit Unions - Credit unions headquartered in West Virginia and chartered by the National Credit Union Administration. These credit unions generally contain "Federal Credit Union" or FCU in their titles.